General Information
Wheelchairs are permitted.
Please, no umbrellas.
Restroom facility is available.
Water is available for purchase or you’re welcome to bring your own water bottles.
Safety of our cats and visitors is a top priority. All of our enclosures are roofed and double-enclosed keeping our guests close enough to view and interact with our cats, but at a safe distance to avoid any direct contact.
Yes, you may bring your camera to take pictures. We’re sorry, but volunteers are not permitted to take your camera into the walkways to take pictures.
Tour Rules
Personal pets are not permitted.
Remember this is our cats’ home. Please respect them.
Do not provoke the cats in any way, especially by growling or snarling at them.
If a cat growls or snarls at you, he/she is communicating his/her anxiety or irritation. Please walk away. Do not growl or snarl back.
Do not try to coax a cat out of his/her den. Most cats are simply resting, but one or two are asking to be left alone. Please respect their wishes by walking away.
Do not rattle or climb the fences.
Do not throw anything in the enclosures.
If a cat turns his/her backside towards you and raises his/her tail, then sidestep, you are about to get sprayed. Do not back up as they have a very long range.
Do not run. This could entice a cat to “chase” you. If a cat runs into another cat, a fight might erupt.
Some of our cats love to interact with the visitors. Feel free to “oooh” & “aaaah, and chuff with the cats. They love the attention.
We have domestic animals who roam freely on the property. This includes, but is not limited to, horses, goats, donkeys, dogs, and cats. They are friendly but can become irritable from unwanted attention. We ask that you do not handle any of the domestic animals.