Kahn came to us along with two tigers named Amol and Apollo. The USDA confiscated these three cats from a local entertainment facility and brought them to us so that they could finally have a safe, loving, and nurturing home. All three cats were emaciated and clearly neglected. Kahn in particular was nearly 100lbs underweight. Additionally, he seemed to be suffering from multiple, severe bone issues. He limped on his front legs and had trouble supporting his back-end. He struggled getting up to the top of his den, so we constructed custom cinderblock steps so he could climb more easily. The end of Kahn’s tail was raw and swollen. He had probably been licking and sucking on it due to stress and boredom. With the proper enrichment and ample love, attention, and time on the playground, his tail healed up well. With all of the proper love and care, Kahn’s mane also began growing back in beautifully.
Despite his medical issues and sad history, Kahn had an extremely sweet disposition, and everyone who knew him immediately fell in love. His favorite scent was decaf coffee grounds and he loved playing with five-gallon buckets. But, above all, he loved sticking his head through the tire swing on the playground and walking around in circles. Kahn loved when his favorite caregivers came to visit him and he always got extremely excited. He had a deep and very distinct roar that combined beautifully when all the In-Sync lions sang together.
When Kahn first arrived, he was very food aggressive. But, once he learned that he would never be without food and that it came at the same time every day, he became an extremely picky eater. Sometimes, we had to go get specialty meats in order to get him to eat. His high standards for food inspired us to name our new commissary building after him. Though he has since passed, the building where we prepare all of our cats’ diets is affectionately known as “Kahn’s Kitchen.”
Kahn and one of our female lions, Sheila (spayed) were introduced to each other very slowly, and became a very good match. They lived together very happily and were often found cuddling each other.
Kahn continued to be a favorite of his caretakers. He was always sweet and enjoyed human company. Tragically, in 2020, he began having more severe mobility issues. Tests showed that both of his shoulders and his back were in extremely poor condition. We attempted to manage his discomfort with medication, but when that was no longer possible, we made the heartbreaking decision to let him go so that he could be free from pain. We miss this sweet boy every day and we will never forget him.